Monday, June 6, 2011

Big Update!

Okay I suck at updating. I know. I mean, all the things that have happened since I last updated? Oh man. I graduated, I did my senior show, I started to DM a Dungeons and Dragons campaign (lol nerd), I got hit by a car, I cured cancer, I performed real sorcery and turned a fish into a chicken (which actually killed itself by trying to go back into the water), and became a government specialized assassin in murdering communist threats using nothing but a Bass Guitar that is secretly also a machine gun.

Only some of that is true, I leave it up to you to decipher what is and what isn't.

Anyways, maybe I should post some art, eh?

This is a drawing of Colossus, which a 4th grade student that I had during student teaching asked me to draw for him by the end of the day. I have been meaning to draw at least one marvel character at that time so I drew it in an hour and gave it to him. I had fun with it.

These 8 children working is a bit I did for art education. All done in Adobe Illustrator. It was basically my final for the Art Ed senior show.

This is the most recent thing I did. It is a friend of mine from... well. I guess Kindergarten. We even went to the same college. His name is Derek. Either way, I decided to do some acrylic painting on bristol board and I decided to do a bit of color studies by doing some photoshop speed painting. This one seemed to turn out the most like I had imagined it to. The painting itself is still in process, although I completed most of it in about an hour and a half. This photoshop study took me aboutt an hour. Fun little quick project.

Honestly, that is kind of it for now. I have been trying to delve more into traditional lately. Hopefully this summer, I will acquire a job, and will do some painting on the side. :]